Check out this post for more info about us! This post includes our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Vandalia Softworks is a game-based learning software development startup located in Morgantown, WV. We currently all work remotely but are very excited about our current project we are working on!

Why did you choose the name “Vandalia Softworks”?
I have to be honest here, part of the credit for this goes to Connor Haynes. I had heard that for many entrepreneurs, naming their product and company can be one of the hardest parts, and I completely agree with that statement. I suggested going with a name of a location and one of the names Connor suggested to me was Vandalia. That was the best out of the bunch (Westlyvania sadly just wasn’t as catchy) and many of our first thoughts were already taken by other businesses.
Vandalia, for those who don’t know, was the name in the late 1700s of a proposed British Colony in North America in what today is mostly West Virginia, and going as far north as Pittsburgh, PA. The Softworks part was inspired by the game developer Bethesda Softworks. The combination was not used by anyone else on the internet and for anyone starting a company, especially today, branding is very important. Being able to reserve all the right web domains and social media names was super important and I was lucky to be able to reserve them all on the major social networks (Please use the links at the bottom of the page and Like/Follow).
What is your current project?
This is definitely the most asked question. While I don’t want to go into too much detail yet, it has something to do with Forensics and I promise we will have a lot more detail for you in about a month.
I really believe in the potential of this project and I really think if we do everything right, it is going to change the world. I think the media still gives such negative views of video games, that they are responsible for some of the violence that happens, but there are so many out there that are helping people. Serious gaming is a huge segment of the industry that is growing now more than ever and I think that with this project we are in the right place at the right time to eventually be able to truly make a difference.
When will your current project be released?
If everything stays on track, we are looking to complete it by June 30, 2018.
How big is the current team?
Not including myself, we have two engineers and an artist.
Are you hiring / looking for more talent?
At this current moment, we are not. However, if you are interested in working with us I encourage you to signup for our newsletter for the latest info on when we are hiring.